Interested in joining Wenonah Swim Club? We have memberships available, do not hesitate!

Below are our club fees for the 2025 season. If you are interested, please click the “Apply for membership” link below.

Please keep in mind,  the first year at the club is the largest financial commitment due to the $50 application fee and the $350 bond fee. However, the bond is a one-time fee that is reimbursed to you after resignation as per our By-Laws.

As you will see in the table below, a family will consist of the bondholder and then the number of individuals in the family.  That family number will include members such as grandparents and babysitters.  Each additional member after the bondholder will cost $125.  Children under the age of 2 (as of April 15th) are free.  We used the feedback from membership to make the dues structure simpler!

Membership Dues Table:

Membership Package Bond Fee (New Members Only) Application Fee (New Members Only) Annual Dues Maintenance Fee Total Amount for NEW Members Existing Member Dues for 2025
Family of 1 $350 $50 $330 $225 $955 $555
Family of 2 $350 $50 $455 $225 $1,080 $680
Family of 3 $350 $50 $580 $225 $1,205 $805
Family of 4 $350 $50 $705 $225 $1,330 $930
Family of 5 $350 $50 $830 $225 $1,455 $1,055
Family of 6 $350 $50 $955 $225 $1,580 $1,180
Family of 7 $350 $50 $1,080 $225 $1,705 $1,305
Family of 8 $350 $50 $1,205 $225 $1,830 $1,430
Family of 9 $350 $50 $1,330 $225 $1,955 $1,555
Family of 10 $350 $50 $1,455 $225 $2,080 $1,680

We also offer discounts to:

  • Senior Citizens (65 and older, 10% off dues only, discount not applicable to application fee, renovation fee or bond fee)
  • Active Military  – thank you for your service! (10% off dues only, discount not applicable to application fee, renovation fee or bond fee)

Pricing Example #1:

For a Family of 4 (2 Adults and 2 children):

Your family’s total for the first year would be $1,330; however, your first season is the biggest financial commitment due to the bond and application fees. The $350 bond fee is a one-time fee that is reimbursed to you after resignation as per our by laws. Here is a breakdown of first year dues:

Application fee: $50 (one-time fee)
Bond fee: $350 (one-time fee)
Family of 4 Annual Dues: $705
Renovation fee: $225

After your first year you would be responsible for your membership dues and the annual renovation fee, the total after your first year would be $930.

Pricing Example #2:

We’ve received feedback regarding “What individuals are included in family membership?” We keep it simple and leave it up to you!

A bondholder with a spouse, two children, two grandparents and a babysitter would be considered a family of 7.

Your family’s total for the first year would be $1,705; however, your first season is the biggest financial commitment due to the bond and application fees. The $350 bond fee is a one-time fee that is reimbursed to you after resignation as per our by laws. Here is a breakdown of first year dues:

Application fee: $50 (one-time fee)
Bond fee: $350 (one-time fee)
Family of 7 Annual Dues: $1,080
Renovation fee: $225

After your first year you would be responsible for your membership dues and the annual renovation fee, the total after your first year would be $1,305.


If you have any questions, please reach out to

Thank you for your interest in the Wenonah Swim Club. We are looking forward to having you and your family as members.

Apply for membership!